Olga de Soto, Sous Cle

The choreographer and dancer Olga de Soto (1970°) was born in Spain and has lived in Brussels since 1990. After training in classical dance, contemporary dance and music theory at the Academy of Music and Dance and the Royal Conservatory in Valencia and Madrid and at CNDC (Centre national de danse contemporaine) in Angers, Olga worked with Michèle  Anne de Mey, Pierre Droulers, Félix Ruckert, Boris Charmatz and Jérôme Bel. For about a decade, Olga’s work has concentrated on the theme of 'memory'.

It is a field between performance and installation, a home’s interior as a refuge… simultaneously dreamed and impossible… an abstract free space… an unoccupied space… a transformed site that allows for personal expression or at least the silence in which the personal can be heard… the echo of daily procedures… as well as submerged feelings, habits, hardships… that all form an invisible corset, but are all the more real because of it… the mute revolt of an imprisoned woman… against housework, motherhood, the invisible daily tasks… imprisoned in the ‘endless‘ process of constantly-starting-over… an act of resistance to cast off exhausting daily life… leaving or disappearing is unnecessary… you have to hear the echo on site,
delve into it, into this conceived, dreamed, hovering house… into yourself, for yourself.